What we do for landlords

People often can’t properly visualise an empty space and they focus on all the imperfections when they see it vacant and empty. If you’re struggling to rent an apartment or condo, staging can help seal the deal with prospective tenants.

This is especially challenging if you’ve invested time and resources into renovating between tenants, and need to adjust rental costs. The perceived value of the space needs to match the market, and often the missing piece of the puzzle is professionally staging. We work around your renovations to ensure best timing and minimize the downtime so you can show the place quickly.

Rent faster

When you have a vacancy, every week it stays open is lost potential revenue. Our approach to provide on-trend minimal staging helps rent your apartment or condo faster than if you were showing it empty, often in a matter of days instead of weeks or months!

How we work with landlords

  1. Contact us when you know of a vacancy.
  2. We meet for a consultation to look at the space, discuss your needs and what kind of renter(s) you’re looking to attract.
  3. We begin the staging process based on your timeline and brief.

Drop us a line to book your consultation and learn more about how we can help you rent vacancies faster!