What we do for home sellers

Selling a home can be an incredibly stressful experience, even before you start thinking of all the extra work you need to do to get your property looking its best! If you’re struggling to declutter or pack up years of precious keepsakes, or if your home just isn’t selling after months on the market, it’s best to work with professionals who know the market and can guide you through the process.

People often underestimate how much anxiety can come from dealing with these things, and daunting tasks like clearing out the basement can linger as it’s hard to pull up your sleeves and go at it knowing you’ll face years of memories and difficult choices about what to keep.

Making your home more sellable

We come to the rescue and sort things for you so you can make decisions more easily, and with less fuss. We understand how to work around short-notice deadlines, to take the burden off of you and your family and bring you support and relief.

We also help adapt your home decor so that it speaks to your target buyers. Sometimes our spaces are so “us,” it’s hard for others to see themselves living there, so we make sure the spaces are canvases for their imagination. And if your home has any flaws, like small or awkward spaces, we work to stage those areas so that people see the potential instead of pitfalls.

The Bottom Line

Staging and relooking also statistically fetch higher offers and sale prices, so if you’re looking to get the most out of your home as an investment, let us know.

How we work with home sellers

  1. We start with our consultation to discuss and evaluate your needs, as well as fix dates and deadlines.
  2. If your home is empty, we proceed straight to staging. If your belongings are still there, we may need to start with relooking.
  3. We rent or store furniture required for placing and staging.
  4. We put the finishing touches to prepare for listing photos and visitations.

Contact us to discuss your needs.